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campur dengan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "campur dengan"
  • campur:    admix; mingle; misch; mix; mixed; plus; mingled;
  • dengan:    by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
  • turut campur tangan dengan:    take stock in; taken stock in; taking stock in; took stock in
  • campur:    admix; mingle; misch; mix; mixed; plus; mingled; blended; shuffle; combine; amalgamate; conflate; ruffle; coalesce; blend; fuse; merge; meld; commix; flux; unify; commingle; immix
  • bak-campur:    mixing trough
  • buah campur:    tutti-frutti
  • campur aduk:    mismash; muddle; garbled; untune; swage; bowl over; overturn; disturb; turn over; trouble; tump over; discomfit; knock over; discompose; disconcert; upset; tip over
  • campur kode:    code-mixing
  • campur tangan:    interere; interference; intervene; intervention; mess; interpose; intrusion; interfere; step in; intercession; hindrance; tamper; hinderance; meddle
  • campur tangan -:    put oar in
  • campur-baur:    variety; blended; mingled; all sorts; mixed up
  • ember-campur:    mixing pail
  • hablur campur:    mixed crystal
  • ikut campur:    had a hand in; have a hand in; having a hand in; poke nose into; interfere; intervene; meddle; step in
  • kamar-campur:    mixing-room
  • Don't think you can get into my world that easily.
    berhenti ikut campur dengan kehidupan saya.
  • Mix 'em well, you got yourself a summoning spell.
    Campur dengan baik, kau punya mantra pemanggil.
  • You get on my case about school and work.
    Kamu ikut campur dengan sekolah dan pekerjaanku.
  • Finally, pile all of the red bell pepper strips together
    Lalu, campur dengan potongan paprika merah..,..
  • I do not interfere in another man's business.
    Aku tidak ikut campur dengan urusan orang lain.
  • Besides, the Soviets messed around with weaponizing Marburg.
    pihak Soviet ikut campur dengan mempersenjatai virus Marburg.
  • How dare I meddle with state affairs?
    Bagaimana saya berani ikut campur dengan urusan negara?
  • I really don't mix with the criminal fraternity.
    Aku benar-benar tidak campur dengan perkumpulan kriminil.
  • Tastes like that cake you made with the onions.
    Rasanya seperti kue yang kau campur dengan bawang.
  • I think you should sit this one out.
    Menurutku kau tak perlu ikut campur dengan yang ini.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5